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Franklinton American Legion Post 5240 American Legion Road, Franklinton, NC 27525 |
Home Site Map MyLegion.org Social Share ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Veterans still serving our community, state, and nation since 1919 |
Commanders' Message
The month of May is significant to Veterans and should be to All Americans; it is when we observe Memorial Day. Memorial Day was originally called Decoration Day, a day of remembrance for those who have died in service to our great nation. There are many stories about its actual beginnings, with over two dozen cities and towns claiming to be the birthplace of Memorial Day. It is more likely that it had many separate beginnings; each of those towns and every planned or spontaneous gathering of people to honor the war dead contributed honorably to the growing movement that culminated in General Logan giving his official proclamation in 1868. It is not important who was the very first; what is important is that Memorial Day was established. Memorial Day is not about division. It is about reconciliation; it is about coming together to honor those who gave their all. It is a time to reflect on our freedoms as Americans by remembering those who gave their lives in defense of freedom. Our Flag lets us be sure we pay the appropriate respect. Federal law authorizes veterans to salute the US Flag in the following situations: Pledge of Allegiance. Members of the Armed Forces who are not in uniform and veterans may render the military salute in the manner provided for persons in uniform. Alternately, military personnel and veterans not in uniform may stand at attention, facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. When not in uniform, men should remove any non-religious headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart. (Title 4 USC, section 4). During hoisting, lowering, or passing the American Flag. Members of the Armed Forces and veterans who are present but not in uniform may render the military salute. All such conduct toward the flag in a moving column should be rendered at the moment the flag passes. (Title 4 USC, section 9) National Anthem. Members of the Armed Forces and veterans who are present but not in uniform may render the military salute in a manner provided for individuals in uniform. When the flag is not displayed, all present should face toward the music and act in the same way they would if the flag were displayed. (Title 36 USC, section 301) Membership is the life and power of the American Legion. Contact us if you are not sure your membership is up to date. Thank you for your past support, and I ask that you please consider renewing your membership and invite a veteran to our meetings. For God & Country, Harvey Satterwhite, Commander Division 2 News
Many Auxiliary Units will be out in the communities distributing Poppies during the weekend before Memorial Day. So, if you are out and see an Auxiliary Unit giving out Poppies, please help our Veterans with your donation as all monies collected go to the Veterans. And members of the Auxiliary Unit, please help with staffing the tables if you are able. In Franklinton, the tables will be located at the Hometown Café, Mitchell's Hardware, and a new location Mason on Main, on May 28, 2022, from 9 am to 2 pm. Some Auxiliary Units have held their elections for the 2022-2023 officers. If your Unit is holding its elections, Please Attend and support your Unit! In June is the American Legion/Auxiliary, Department of NC Convention. The dates are June 9-11, 2022. Please try to attend as we will be voting for new officers for the Department. If you want more information, just let me know. As for Membership for Division II, we have another District that has become a Goal District and one District needing only three members to become a Goal District. The Department needs less than 70 members to make Goal! Thank you all who have turned in membership. Have a wonderful Memorial Day, and I hope to see you at one of the Poppy Tables! For God and Country and In the Spirit of Service, not Self, Auxiliary Notes
Karen Nowell, President Auxiliary Unit 52 Post Officer InstallationThe May meeting of our Post is of particular importance as it is the meeting at which we install the officers who will lead the Post for the next twelve months. Make a special effort to come to this meeting and show your support to those legionnaires who have stepped forward and assumed the responsibility of keeping Franklinton Post 52 one of the best in North Carolina. |
Schedule of Upcoming Events |
Monday, May 16, 2022 | Auxiliary Executive Meeting – 10 am at the Post |
Tuesday, May 17, 2022 | Post Executive Meeting – 7:00 pm |
Saturday, Mar 28, 2022 | Place flags on veteran's graves for Memorial Day – 9 am at Fairview Cemetery |
Sunday, May 29, 2022 | Memorial Day program at Fairview cemetery – 2:00 pm |
Tuesday, May 31, 2022 |
Post-meeting – 7:00 pm Ladies night/Officer's Installation Menu: Spaghetti with meat sauce, salad, toast, dessert, and coffee/tea |
Tuesday, May 31, 2022 | Auxiliary Meeting – 5:30 at the Franklinton Senior Center |
Thursday, June 2, 2022 | Auxiliary Executive Meeting – 6:30 pm at Post 52 |
June 9-11, 2022 | The Department of NC Convention at the North Raleigh Hilton (Michael "Mike" Donnelly to be sworn in as Department Commander at the close of session on Saturday) |
Tuesday, June 14, 2022 | Post Executive Meeting – 7:00 pm |
Thrusday, June 16, 2022 | Auxiliary Meeting – 6:30 pm at Post 52 |
Tuesday,June 28, 2022 | Post-meeting – 7:00 pm |
Jerome "Jerry" Weber died on April 14, 2022. Jerry was an Army veteran of the Korean War and a 6-year member of Post 52.