Post 52 Contest Results Are Official.
January 15, 2017 — American Legion Post 52, Franklinton, NC, held their Oratorical contest and the winner was Gabriella Dangler a senior at Wake Forest High School. She will now move on to the District 5 contest, also being held here at Post 52, on the 21st. If you see her at school or in the neighborhood give her encouragement and come out and support her at the district contest.
Post 52 Oratorical contest winner, Gabriella Dangler, receiving 1st place medal from Post Commander George Tracy.
District 5 Contest.
January 21, 2017, The District 5 contest was held at Post 52, Franklinton, NC and Gabriella did a great job of representing our Post in the contest. She was the District 5 winner and will be going to the Division I contest in Hertford, NC.

Pictured above are the American Legion District 5 Commander, Michael Donnelly, the District 5 Oratorical Contest Winner, Gabriella Dangler, a senior at Wake Forest High School, and American Legion Post 52 Franklinton Commander, George G. Tracy. Gabriella is holding her gold medal for winning the District 5 Contest as she receives a $50 check from the Post 52 Commander for winning the Post contest last week.
Division I Contest.
February 11, 2017 — Gabriella has been declared the Division I Champion and will be moving on to the State Contest. She will be presented with her awards at the February 28th, Ladies Night, meeting. Please come out and join us in celebration of her victory.
February 28, 2017 - Ladies Night

Pictured above are the American Legion Division I Commander, Carolyn Rogerson, American Legion Post 52 Commander, George G. Tracy, and the Division I Oratorical Contest Winner, Gabriella Dangler, a senior at Wake Forest High School. Gabriella is holding her Certificate and Trophy for winning the Division I Contest while Carolyn holds her check for winning at the District level as well as her gold medal for winning the Division contest. Great job Gabriella and good luck at Kings Mountain on Saturday.
State Contest.
4:00 PM, March 4, 2017, Kings Mountain, NC, it is now official. While Gabriella did a great job, she will not be advancing to Indianapolis for the National Contest. With five great candidates, and only one position, four most go home. But they should go home with their heads held high for a job well done. While watching the young candidates perform, it gave me hope for our future and confidence in our youth. For us, the long day, with a 388 mile round trip, is over and everyone is glad to be back home. Thanks Gabriella for all of your hard work. You did a marvelous job and have come a long way. Best of luck in all of your future endeavors.

Pictured above are the American Legion Post 52 Franklinton Commander, George G. Tracy, State Oratorical Contestant Runner-UP, Gabriella Dangler, and American Legion District 5 Commander, Michael Donnelly.