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Franklinton American Legion Post 5240 American Legion Road, Franklinton, NC 27525 |
Home Site Map MyLegion.org Social Share ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Veterans still serving our community, state, and nation since 1919 |
Commanders' Message
The American Legion's new membership year starts in July. For those who have not renewed for 2022, we ask that you consider getting your dues in ASAP. I want to take a moment and explain how membership in the American Legion works. The renewal process begins in July for the upcoming membership year. Renewal notices are sent out in July, October, January, March, and May. Members are removed from future renewal notices for that year if their membership is processed before the cutoff date. If dues are paid to the local Post, it takes a little longer to process and notify National about the renewal. Therefore, the member may receive another renewal notice. Please check with your local Post to ensure they have received your dues if this occurs. Also, you may want to consider going online to MyLegion.org and renewing your membership. MyLegion is easy and processes much faster. I would ask that All consider renewing when you get your First Notice; this helps reduce the cost to our organization for future mailing. We still have openings on several of our committees, Food Service, Americanism, and Firing Squad. I know there are legionnaires out there that can fill these positions. Let us know of any area you would like to assist in. Notice: If you are a Paid Member and have not called to activate your FREE $5,000.00 Accidental Death Insurance, you can do so by calling 1-800-235-6943. You will need to have your Membership number. Even the call is free, so please call to activate or check to ensure you have your coverage—just one more benefit of being a member of the American Legion. Summer Safety Tips Sunblock is a great tool to protect yourself from getting harmful burns that can be painful and really stop you from doing more great summer activities. Play it Safe; make sure children's equipment is safe, adequately secured, and nothing that could cut or hurt someone. Bugs and Plants, when out and about with your family in any wooded areas, make sure you know what certain dangerous plants look like. Become familiar with poison ivy, any types of thorn bushes, or the seven-minute itch that can be extremely hard to pick out in grassy areas. Spray yourself down with bug spray to help protect you from mosquitos and ticks and try to stay away from areas that mosquitoes tend to gather, like stagnant puddles or swamps, and don't forget the critters like snakes and spiders. Let people know where you are going; going on outdoor adventures can be a great experience for families. There are many lessons kids can learn from a hiking or overnight camping trip. It is always good to let someone know where you are headed so that if you lose communication at any point, they can let the proper authorities know where you were headed. You should also be prepared with food, water, first aid kits, and flashlights with extra batteries. R&R, be sure to plan some vacation time away from it all. Just some time of rest and relaxation. You are not on a schedule, so don't make the vacation a work schedule. Take it easy and relax. For God & Country, Harvey Satterwhite, Commander Chaplains' Corner
Our nation remembers on Memorial Day those in the military who have given their lives for the freedoms that we enjoy. They exemplified the passage from Joshua. On Sunday, May 29th, Post 52 celebrated Memorial Day at Fairview Cemetery in Franklinton. The Post Commander spoke well, and the entire ceremony was very well done. We had camaraderie at the conclusion. The Roll Call was significantly meaningful and sobering. The Post Everlasting Roll Call reminded us how dear the cost of freedom is. We would celebrate our God-given freedoms together if they were with us, but they are not. During the Memorial Day Holidays, please do something to celebrate in their honor. Finish the celebration with words such as: "Well done, rest in peace." We pray that, Lord, You would have us all look to You for strength, comfort, and guidance. Be with all who serve in our Armed Forces. Bless them and their families—Grant Your loving protection; so that they may ALL join in person with us on future Memorial Days. Keep the Faith, Harry Barrick, Chaplain Division 2 News
A reminder, the Department of NC Convention for the American Legion/American Legion Auxiliary will be held June 9-11, 2022, at the North Raleigh Hilton. As for membership, the American Legion Auxiliary Department of NC has made their GOAL with 100.33%, according to the May 25, 2022 membership report. Division II is very close to making GOAL at 99.26%, needing 16 more memberships to make the goal. The Division has 3 Districts out of 5 that have made GOAL. Thank you to everyone who has renewed and turned in memberships. I will remain your Division II President for 2022-2023, and Linda Kerensky will remain District 6 President, of which Franklinton 52 is one of the units in her District. My columns will be hit and miss over the next few months as I will be traveling with my husband, Mike, who will become the Department Commander of North Carolina during the Convention. We already know we will be doing the Installation of Officers in Albermarle, NC, and Hickory, NC, the following week after the Convention. Have a great summer, and please stay safe! For God and Country and In the Spirit of Service, not Self, Auxiliary Notes
Thank you for helping me out while I was your President. Karen Nowell, President Auxiliary Unit 52 Auxiliary Follow-Up
Velinda Moore, New Unit 52 President |
Schedule of Upcoming Events |
June 9-11, 2022 | The Department of NC Convention at the North Raleigh Hilton (Michael "Mike" Donnelly will be sworn in as Department Commander at the close of the session on Saturday) |
Tuesday, June 14, 2022 | Post Executive Committee Meeting – 6:00 pm Flag Retirement Ceremony – Meeting 7:00 pm |
Thursday, June 16, 2022 | Auxiliary Unit 52 Meeting – 6:30 pm |
Tuesday, June 28, 2022 | Post-meeting – 7:00 pm Menu: Beef Tips on Rice, buttered potatoes, garden peas, dessert, and drinks |
Thursday, July 7, 2022 | Auxiliary Executive Committee – 6:30pm |
Tuesday July 12, 2022 | Post Executive Committee Meeting – 7:00pm |
Friday July 14, 2022 | BBQ Fundraiser Preparation - 1:00pm |
Saturday, July 15, 2022 | BBQ Plates Fundraiser – 11:00am to 7:00pm |
July 22-23, 2022 | Legion College - Village Inn, Clemmons NC |
Tuesday, July 26, 2022 | Post-meeting – 7:00 pm |
The drawing for this 5'x10' utility trailer will be on August 16, 2022,
so get your tickets between now and then.
Left to right, Front row, Douglas Senter - 3rd Sergeant-At-Arms, Joe Dillehay – 1st Sergeant-At-Arms, Chris Smith – 1st Vice Commander, Harry Barrick - Chaplain, Pat McCrary – Executive Committee, James Bracknell – 2nd Sergeant-At-Arms.
Back row, Harvey Satterwhite Commander, Bruce Lobach - Adjutant, Mike Donnelly – Executive Committee, Steve Ijames – Finance Officer, Tony Kerensky – Executive Committee, George Tracy – Historian.