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Franklinton American Legion Post 5240 American Legion Road, Franklinton, NC 27525 |
Home Site Map MyLegion.org Social Share ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Veterans still serving our community, state, and nation since 1919 |
Commanders' Message
I want to remind our members that the American Legion is a firm supporter of our children and youth, and we support the following programs each year. In this way, we can help ensure they have a strong foundation in the future. ORATORICAL CONTEST: The contest, open to US citizens or lawful residents under the age of 20 and currently enrolled in grade 9-12, is designed to provide the student with the opportunity to increase their knowledge of the US Constitution and with public speaking skills that can help them with advancement in their chosen profession. TAR HEEL BOYS' STATE: The American Legion believes there is no better way to assure the survival of our great republic than to train our young people in the ideals and objectives of the American government. By teaching our state and nation youth to understand and appreciate the basic principles involved in successfully managing a democratic society, we can keep America strong and ensure freedom for future generations. Tar Heel Boys' State teaches the preservation of our form of government that depends on intelligent, informed, and loyal citizens combined with government activities. STUDENT TROOPER PROGRAM: The purpose of the North Carolina American Legion Student Trooper Program is to create an association between our young people and the men and women responsible for enforcing our state's laws. The American Legion believes that our young people have a strong sense of patriotism and high regard for Law and Order. Our Fall Conference will be held October 28-31, 2021, at the North Raleigh Hilton, Raleigh, NC. We will be supporting Past Post Commander Michael Donnelly for his election for Department Commander for 2022-2023. We are seeking candidates for Law Enforcement, EMS, Fireman, Currently Serving Soldier, and Employer awards. So, if you know someone who meets the criteria, please get me their names and phone numbers to Harvey Satterwhite at 919-358-5591. Veterans Day / Family Day will be here before you know it. Make plans now to attend Saturday, November 13th, 11:00 am - 3:00 pm. Veterans Day Ceremony followed by Food, Games, and Fellowship for the whole family and friends. Invite a Veteran and their family to attend. Our membership drive started on 1 July and will NOT END until we are 100%. We are asking all members to renew their membership before Nov 8th. We will be drawing (10) names of members who have paid their dues on Nov. 13th for gifts and prizes. Let's all do our part in 2021-2022 to lead the District and Division in all programs we choose to participate in. Let's show them what Post 52 is made of. Don't forget that we have several Veterans in our Post that own their own business from Home Building and Construction, Plant Nursery, Building Cleaning, etc. Please consider using their services when looking for assistance and support our Veterans. For God & Country, Harvey Satterwhite, Commander Post 52 Chaplain's Corner
We all have had days when everything seems to be against us; if we haven't, we will. Some days feel like they are not going well, tired, and overworked. And instead of giving praise to God, we complain and think God is against us; but know this, God is for us, "If God is for us, who can be against us" (Rom 8:31)? Today's passage is a tender promise from God and is worth our attention and mediation. God always knows how we feel and what we are going through. If anyone can relate, He can! He can meet our every need and give us the strength to carry on. When we wait on the Lord, we express hope in our hearts, looking to Him to meet all our needs until He returns. Praying for all, those who are serving, who have served, and for the families represented. The Lord bless you and keep you all, Thomas Reid Auxiliary Notes
Karen Nowell, President Auxiliary Unit 52 Division 2 News
As I write this column, my husband and I make our way to Phoenix, Arizona, for the American Legion National Convention. In my last month's column, Division II was doing the Wheelchair Roll for Salisbury as part of the ALA 100th Anniversary Celebration. With help from the other two divisions and units in Division II, we successfully filled 100 gift bags on August 14, 2021. We delivered them to the NC State Veterans Home in Salisbury on Friday, August 20, 2021. Thank you to all of the units which helped to make this mission a great success. Save the Date: The District 6 meeting is on October 2, 2021, held at Franklinton Post 52, as Franklinton Unit 52 is the host for this meeting. The registration is at 1:30 pm, and the meeting is 2 pm. The District 6 President, Linda Kerensky, will be asking for your help with this meeting. So please try to help and attend this meeting. Also, Unit Presidents, if you have memberships to turn in, please bring them to the District meetings. (Hint, it will save on the cost of postage). Speaking of Membership dues, please try to get your dues paid as soon as possible. Unit officers, please pay your dues by October 1, 2021. I want to report any activities your unit is/or doing in my Division II News. So, if your unit is doing an activity, please let me know. If your unit has pictures to share, that would be great. Sharing is a wonderful way to let the community know what activities the American Legion Auxiliary is doing. ALA Proud, Carolyn Donnelly Division II President |
Schedule of Upcoming Events |
Tuesday, Sept 14, 2021 | Post Executive Meeting – 7:00 pm |
Thursday, Sept 23, 2021 | Prep for Fish/Oyster fundraiser – 2 pm |
Friday, Sept 24, 2021 | Fish/Oyster Fundraiser – 11am to 7pm |
Tuesday, Sept 28, 2021 | Monthly Meeting – 7:00 pm, Memu: Pancake Supper with Pork and Turkey Sausages, Tea, Coffee, and soft drinks |
Tuesday, Sept 28, 2021 | Auxiliary Meeting - 5:30 to 6:30 pm at Franklinton United Methodist Church |
Tuesday, October 12, 2021 | Post Executive Meeting – 7:00 pm |
Tuesday, October 28, 2021 | Monthly Meeting – 7:00 pm |
Rufus Rencher Wright died on August 31st. He was a 20-year member of
Post 52 and served as an officer for most of those years.
William (Bill) Kimbrough died on August 31st. He was an 18-year member of Post 52 and
served as Post Chaplain for many years.
Trailer Raffle WinnerFellow Legionnaire Scott Vickers was the winner of the trailer raffle. Many thanks to all legionnaires who bought/sold tickets for the fundraiser. You made the fundraiser a success. And thanks to fellow legionnaire Harry Foy for donating the trailer. ![]() |
Fish/Oyster Plates FundraiserWhen: Friday, September 24th, 11 am to 7 pmWhat: Fish ($8), Oyster ($15), or Combo ($12) platesWe will determine closer to the 24th whether we can permit in-house serving during the event. If not, we will do drive-thru service. As usual, legionnaires will be preparing for the fundraiser on Thursday, September 23rd, at 2 pm; all help is welcome with the cooking/serving on the 24th. All who can help are needed, 8 am to 8 pm. |