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Franklinton American Legion Post 5240 American Legion Road, Franklinton, NC 27525 |
Home Site Map MyLegion.org Social Share ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Veterans still serving our community, state, and nation since 1919 |
Commanders' Message
Today, Governor Cooper relaxed some of the Covid-19 restrictions allowing for an increase in the number of people that may attend an indoor meeting. With that in mind, please plan to attend a membership meeting on March 30, 2021. We have not had a meeting in quite some time so please come out if you are able. We ask that you wear a mask and sit as socially distant as possible. It is my hope that all of you can receive your Covid-19 vaccine shots very soon. I received my first dose and will receive the second dose on March 12, 2021. As I stated above, we need to find nominees for Post officer positions for the new year. All positions are open and available to be filled. If enough volunteers are not found, then we will be forced to employ other measures to fill the vacancies. If we do not fill the required number of Post officers, we then run the risk of forfeiture of our post charter. Post 52 is so much better than this and we need to set the standard for the rest of the Posts in Division 5. As of now, all the children and youth programs for this year will move ahead as planned until we receive guidance from the National organization that changes our plans. Due to the pandemic restrictions that are in place now, we will not hold our annual awards banquet this year. We will however recognize awardees at special individual ceremonies at their locations. I want to thank all the members of the Post for all their hard work over the last two years. I have recently been appointed to the National Americanism Commission. This is a great honor to be able to represent all members of the department of North Carolina at the national level. My wish is that you all stay safe and well and continue to check on one another to ensure we all remain safe and well. Should you need to contact me for any reason, you can reach me at 919-270-1479 or mcdonnelly51@gmail.com. For God & Country, Mike Donnelly, Commander Post 52 Chaplain's Corner
This Psalm is expressed with praise and thanksgiving for the victories granted to king David by the Lord’s many favors. In this passage, David spoke of the blessings God and believers in God’s army should strive every day to remember the benefits that God has extended upon them. Even when we are tempted to believe otherwise, James tells us that, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights.” Blessings come in all forms: finances, jobs, health, friends, family, church, and so much more. I want to encourage you to thank God for His blessings. David confronted Goliath and from that came encouragement for every generation of believers; Saul sought after David and from that came the psalms from those difficult times; David’s son rebelled against him, but David knew that God’s hand was upon him. Let us count our blessings, name them one by one, count our blessings, see what God has done! Praying for all, those who are serving, who have served, and for the families represented. The Lord bless you and keep you all, Thomas Reid Auxiliary Notes
Karen Nowell, President Auxiliary Unit 52 Auxiliary District 6 News
I have an update to the Division II Spring Meeting. The meeting will be held virtually via Zoom on March 20, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. The other news I want to give you is District 6 is doing very well with our membership. In fact, District 6 is still holding first place in Division II with 92.33% and is also in first place out of fifteen Districts in the State of NC. We only need 27 more memberships to make District 6 a goal District. If you know a girl who is an uprising senior and is interested in attending Girls State this summer which is being held virtually June 14 – 19, 2021, please let me know. Happy St. Patrick’s Day Carolyn Donnelly, District 6 President |
Schedule of Upcoming Events |
Saturday, March 6, 2021 | Annual Awards Banquet will not be held due to COVID-19 restrictions on gatherings. Awards will be made in separate ceremonies TBA |
Tuesday, March 16, 2021 | Post Executive Committee 7:00 pm. |
Tuesday, March 30, 2021 | Monthly Meeting – 7:00 pm (If permitted under COVID-19 guidelines) |
Thursday, April 1, 2021 | Preparations for Fish Fry 2:00 pm until 4:00 pm |
Friday, April 2, 2021 | Fish and Oyster Fry Fundraiser – 11:00 am until 7:00 pm |
Tuesday, April 13, 2021 | Post Executive Committee 7:00 pm. |
Tuesday, April 27, 2021 | Monthly Meeting – 7:00 pm (If permitted under COVID-19 guidelines) |
Charles Holloway died on February 16, 2021. He was a 45-year member of Post 52 and Vietnam War Army veteran.
Post 52 is seeking nominations for all officer positions for the 2021-2022 period. As we have been unable to hold meetings at which nominations would have been made, we are accepting nominations by mail/email. In making a nomination, (if not for yourself), you must determine that the nominee agrees to be nominated and to serve if elected. Mail/email in your nominations to the Post PO Box address or the commander’s email in this newsletter by March 29, 2021. The following positions need nominees:
Commander | 1st Vice Commander | 2nd Vice Commander |
Adjutant | Finance Officer | Chaplain |
Post Service Officer | Historian | Judge Advocate |
Sergeant at Arms | 1st Sergeant at Arms | 2nd Sergeant at Arms |
Executive Committee Representative 3-yr term |