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Franklinton American Legion Post 5240 American Legion Road, Franklinton, NC 27525 |
Home Site Map MyLegion.org Social Share ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Veterans still serving our community, state, and nation since 1919 |
Commanders' Message
Well, June and July have started off busy with our State Convention June 10, 11, & 12th and the election of new Department Officers on to Legion College July 10th - 11th, where there will be training for many topics. I am sure there will be a lot of helpful information provided at Legion College. Hope to see some of you there. From the Past, On July 4th, 2014, Post 52 hosted the Stand Up for America celebration with over 2000 folks in attendance. I want to thank each member for your support of our Community, State, Nation, and the American Legion. The American Legion still leads the way in supporting our Veterans and their Families. Well, June and July have started off busy with our State Convention June 10, 11, & 12th and the election of new Department Officers on to Legion College July 10th - 11th, where there will be training for numerous topics. I am sure there will be a lot of helpful information provided at Legion College. Hope to see some of you there. I want to encourage any Legionnaire to consider taking the American Legion Extension Course online. The American Legion's official training program for officers, members, Legion College applicants and those who want to expand their knowledge of the nation's largest veterans service organization is now available online. The American Legion Extension Institute has been rewritten, updated, streamlined, and enhanced with videos, digital photos, clickable links, a historical timeline, and additional features. To register and take the course, visit www.legion.org/alei. The program should take less than two hours to complete. There are six sections, with a quiz at the end, followed by a final exam. The sections closely follow the Legion's Four Pillars of service, including History & Organization; Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation; National Security; Americanism Children & Youth. Upon completion, a participant must pass a final online exam to receive a digital certificate of recognition; a lapel/cap pin will be delivered to those who complete the course successfully. The names of those who have passed will be recorded and indexed at The American Legion National Headquarters. Graduates will have the option to click a box upon completion to recognize their accomplishment on The American Legion national website: www.legion.org. The online course cost is $4.95 for members of The American Legion and Sons of The American Legion. OK, I have said it, and I have heard it said, when are we going to have a little fun around the Post. Well, you have not gone unheard. Your leadership has heard you and is happy to say that we are planning a Family Day event Saturday, November 13th, from 11 am to 3 pm. Yes, November is over three months / 90 days out, and it should give you time enough to mark your calendar and make plans to attend. The day will start with a Tribute to our Veterans and then Who is Invited -- Members, their spouses and siblings, and a Veteran who is not a member of the American Legion. There will be Food, Games, Door Prizes, Drawings, Music, and much more. So, make plans now to attend. The drawing will be for ALL PAID MEMBERS, their names will go in the pot, and three lucky members will win their dues back. So, you know what that means; 1) Good Odds of Winning 2) You Must have paid your dues to be entered. We will have a signup sheet going around to get a count of those planning to attend so we can prepare food accordingly. For God & Country, Harvey Satterwhite, Commander Post 52 Chaplain's Corner - Hope in the Lord
The title of this book suggests various kinds of laments from the prophet Jeremiah. And verse after verse contains his sorrow, sufferings, and griefs. Such statements as, "This is why I weep and my eyes overflow with tears" (1:16) and "My groans are many and my heart is faint" (1:22). Have we ever been there? In the middle of the book is a powerful phrase amid darkness, "Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the LORD'S great love we are not consumed for his compassions never fail" (3:21-22). Even when Jeremiah felt overwhelmed by all that was going on around him, he still had hope in the Lord. The Lord is more than enough for this prophet, and the Lord is more than enough for us too. The Lord is our true hope! Even when we are unfaithful, the Lord remains faithful. Let always remember the Lord's love, His goodness, and hope in Him until He returns. Wait for His salvation. Praying for all, those who are serving, who have served, and for the families represented. The Lord bless you and keep you all, Thomas Reid Auxiliary Notes
Karen Nowell, President Auxiliary Unit 52 |
Schedule of Upcoming Events |
July 9-10, 2021 | N.C. Legion College at North Raleigh Hilton |
Monday, July 12, 2021 | Auxiliary Executive Meeting – 10:00 am at the Post |
Tuesday, July 13, 2021 | Post Executive Meeting – 7:00pm |
Friday, July 16, 2021 | Preparation for Chicken/Pork BBQ – 2:00 pm |
Saturday, July17, 2021 | Chicken/Pork BBQ – 11:00 am until 6:00 pm |
Tuesday, July 27, 2021 | Auxiliary Unit Meeting – 5:30 pm at Franklinton United Methodist Church |
Tuesday, July 27, 2021 | Monthly Meeting – 7:00 pm Menu: Spaghetti with meat sauce, Salad, Bread, & Dessert |
Tuesday, August 17, 2021 | Post Executive Meeting – 7:00 pm |
Tuesday, August 31, 2021 | Auxiliary Unit Meeting – 5:30 pm at Franklinton United Methodist Church |
Tuesday, August 31, 2021 | Monthly Meeting – 7:00 pm |
Annual Trailer RaffleThe drawing for this 5'x10' utility trailer will be on August 17th, 2021. So get your tickets in ASAP. ![]() |
Chicken/Pork BBQ Plates![]() Post 52 will serve BBQ plate meals on: