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Franklinton American Legion Post 5240 American Legion Road, Franklinton, NC 27525 |
Home Site Map MyLegion.org Social Share ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Veterans still serving our community, state, and nation since 1919 |
Commanders' Message
Get your mind in the gutters. Inspect and clean gutters and downspouts. Button up your overcoat. Seal gaps and cracks around windows and doors with weather-stripping and caulk. Get on top of roof problems. Inspect your roof for damaged or curled shingles, corroded flashing, or leaky vents. Chill out. Drain and winterize outdoor faucets and irrigation systems. Freshen your filter. Clean or replace dirty furnace filters. Give your furnace a physical. Have a professional inspect your heating system. Gather round the hearth. Check fireplaces for soot or creosote build-up. Get a reputable chimney sweep to clean. Head-off gas problems. If you have gas-fired room heaters, perform maintenance as recommended by the maker. Keep the wood fires burning brightly. To avoid a deadly situation, be sure to inspect stove pipe and door seals. Keep your family safe at home. A home safety check should be an annual ritual in every household. Test smoke and CO monitors, inspect (or install) fire extinguishers, review fire escape plans, and rid your home of old newspapers and other fire hazards. Lawn, excellent time to seed and fertilize your lawn. Fall fertilizing helps more with root growth. If you know of someone attending or has been accepted into a 1 year Licensed Practical Nurse program or is enrolled in a 2, 3, or 4 year program that leads to certification as a Register Nurse, get them the information on the Colon Furr Scholarship. Information about this Scholarship can be found by going to our website, Veteran Links /NC Department/ Resources/Colon Furr Nursing Scholarship. Applications must be complete and at Department on or before September 25th. We are seeking candidates for Law Enforcement, EMS, Fireman, and Employer, awards. So if you know someone who meets the criteria please get me their names and phone number There are three ways to activate your free LIT $1,000/$5,000, Accidental Death Benefit: 1. Send in the enrollment form or card, 2. Call the toll free number, 1-800-235-6943, 3. Go to www.theLIT.com and enroll on line. Once activated, keep with your important papers. Our membership drive started 1 July and will NOT END until we are 100%. We are asking all members to renew your membership before Nov 8th. We will be drawing (10) names of members who have paid their dues on Nov. 10th, for gifts and prizes. Let's all do our part in 2018-2019 to lead the District and Division in all programs we choose to participate in. Let's show them what Post 52 is made of. For God and Country - Harvey Satterwhite Auxiliary Notes
Grace Hendrix has been appointed our Unit’s Secretary so, please bear with her as she learns her new role. Since Grace is stepping up, we need a Chaplain. If anyone is interested in this position please let Carolyn Donnelly know. Because we didn’t have our August meeting, I am reminding you that we will be having a Bake Sale in conjunction with the Post’s Fish/Oyster Fry fundraiser on September 28, 2018. Please bring your goodies and if able please come and help. Also keep selling the Quilt raffle tickets. The drawing is Saturday, November 10, 2018 during the Veterans/Family Day Service at Post 52. If you haven’t paid your Membership dues, please do so as soon as possible. Executive Meeting / Sew Day, Monday, September 10, 2018 at 9 am at Post 52. Membership Meeting, September 25, 2018 at 5:30pm at Franklinton Senior Center. All officers please go to Post 52 after membership meeting for pictures! In the Spirit of Service not Self - Carolyn Donnelly, Unit 52 President Vice-Commander's Report
We now have a new National Commander, Brett Reistad, of Virginia and our own Bill Oxford is now the lead candidate for National Commander to follow Brett. It was reported that a national dues increase is not on the table until after 2020. The following legislative actions have been achieved this year: Creation of electronic health records for all veterans, Limit of outsourcing and unification of VA programs, Support for those who care for wounded veterans, Creation of the forever GI Bill, and the creation of an American Legion commemorative coin. I will provide additional convention information at our regular membership meeting later this month. Please remember that we have a fish and oyster fry this month as a fund raiser for the post, so please come out and help if you are able. For God & Country, Mike Donnelly |
Schedule of Upcoming Events |
Tuesday, September 11, 2018 | Executive Committee Meets at 7:00 pm |
Tuesday, September 25, 2018 |
Monthly meeting at 7:00 pm Menu: Cube Pork Steak, Roasted Chicken, Cream Potatoes, Gravy, Veggies, Dessert, Beverage. |
Thursday, September 27, 2018 | Preparation for Fish/Oyster Fry – 2pm at post |
Friday, September 28, 2018 | Fish/Oyster Fry fund raiser – 11:00 am to 7:00 pm |
Saturday, September 29, 2018 | Division I meeting at Post 52 starting at 1:00 pm |
Saturday, October 13, 2018 | Brunswick Stew Sale – 11am to all soldiers We will be preparing the stew from 4am until 10am on the 13th. We need folks to help so come for as many hours as you can spare |
Tuesday, October 16, 2108 | Executive Committee Meets at 7:00 pm |
Tuesday, October 30, 2018 | Monthly meeting at 7:00 pm |
As usual, legionnaires will be preparing for the fund raiser on Thursday, September 27th at 2pm, all help is welcome, and, will be cooking/serving on the 28th, all who can help are needed, 8am to 8pm.