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Franklinton American Legion Post 5240 American Legion Road, Franklinton, NC 27525 |
Home Site Map MyLegion.org Social Share ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Veterans still serving our community, state, and nation since 1919 |
Commanders' Message
Every paid-up member of The American Legion Department of North Carolina is entitled to a FREE $5000.00 accidental death and dismemberment insurance policy. The policy is issued by Legionnaire Insurance Trust (LIT). Your policy can be activated in three ways: 1) Activate the policy by mailing in an activator form; 2) By calling 1-800-235-6943, 3) Going on-line through the company's website is www.theLIT.com. Excellent time to review and update your policy contact info and beneficiaries. Well June has started busy with our State Convention and the election of new Department Officers and just around the corner is Legion College, July 27 – 28, where leadership training and a host of other topics are covered. A big WHOA to Mike Donnelly our new Division 1 Commander. We at Post 52 are very proud and support Mike in his new position. I would like to encour age any Legionnaire to consider taking the American Legion Extension Course on line. The American Legion’s official training program for Officers and Members who simply want to expand their knowledge of the nation’s largest veteran’s service organization is now available online. The American Legion Extension Institute has been rewritten, updated, streamlined and enhanced with videos, digital photos, clickable links, a historical timeline and additional features. To register and take the course, visit www.legion.org/alei. The program should take less than two hours to complete. Upon completion, a participant must pass a final online exam to receive a digital certificate of recognition; a lapel/cap pin will also be delivered to those who successfully complete the course. The names of those who have passed will be recorded and indexed at The American Legion National Headquarters. Graduates will have the option to click a box upon completion to recognize their accomplishment on The American Legion national website: www.legion.org. The online course is $4.95 for members of The American Legion and Sons of The American Legion. The summer means, graduations, travel, vacations, cookouts, and more, so take the time with your friends and family and remember safety during your travels and events. I look forward to working with each of you. For God and Country - Harvey Satterwhite Auxiliary Notes
Coming up soon are the deliveries of our lap quilts. First will be to our local shut-ins on Monday, July 9, at 10:00, which directly follows our Executive Meeting at 9:00. This trip will take the place of our regular sewing day. Any members that wish to join us please meet at Post 52 to be ready to leave by 10:00. You DO NOT have to participate in the Sew Days to come along! Also, the membership cards are in and will be available at the Executive and Regular meeting. You can get them along with payment of your $30 annual dues. Next will be a trip to the Fayetteville VA Dialysis Unit on Monday, July 16. We will be carpooling from Post 52 at 9:00 and then go out for lunch afterwards. All members are encouraged to come along. If you will be attending, please send Adrienne or Carolyn an email or text so we know to expect you! Ending the month will be the installation of the 2018/19 officers in lieu of our regular meeting on Tuesday, July 31, beginning at 5:30 at the Franklinton Senior Center. We will be having a Meet and Greet followed by the ceremony. Please join us whenever you can - we miss those of you who have not been able to attend for various reasons. Blessings to you all Adrienne O’Neill, Secretary Vice-Commander's Report
As of this writing the department is 600 members short of the 100% mark. We must all work hard to raise the renewal rate at our post. To help in this endeavor the department is waiving their portion of the dues requirement until the start of the National Convention for all remaining 2017 members that have not renewed for 2018. Let’s get it done! The new Department Commander is Evan Thompson from Shelby, NC and his motto for this coming year is, “Be one and get one!” If every member of our Post recruits one new member then our size would double as a result. This is very important due to the current annual decline in membership everywhere. Let’s kick off the new year by doing all that you can to make your Post and Department as strong as it can be! For God & Country, Mike Donnelly Editor’s Note:Congratulations to Mike Donnelly, elected as Division I Commander for the 2018-19 year and, to George Tracy, elected as District 5 Commander for the 2018-19 year. |
Schedule of Upcoming Events |
Saturday, July 14, 2018 | Division I Work Shop hosted by Post 52 at our Post home at 10:00am. |
Tuesday, July 17, 2018 | Executive Committee Meets at 7:00 pm |
July 27 -28, 2018 | Legion College at Clemmons NC. Must be registered by July 20th |
Tuesday, July 31, 2018 | Monthly meeting at 7:00pm - Ladies Night Menu: Pork Ribs, Chicken, Baked Beans, Peas/Green Beans, Rolls, Cake or Chilled fruit Tea, Coffee |
Tuesday, August 14, 2018 | Executive Committee Meets at 7:00 pm |
Tuesday, August 28, 2018 | Monthly meeting at 7:00pm |
John Swanback is a 9-year member of the American Legion and is transferring membership to Post 52. John is an Air force veteran living in the Youngsville area.
Here are your officers for the year. From left to right, front row: Ed Wilson-Adjutant, Thomas Reid-Chaplain, Robert Junk-2nd Vice Commander, Ricky Nowell-Sergeant At Arms, Joe Dillehay-2nd Sergeant At Arms, Adrianne O'Neill-Executive Committee
Back row: Harvey Satterwhite-Commander, Renchor Wright-Executive Committee, Michael Donnelly-1st Vice-Commander, George Tracy-Historian, Steve Ijames-Post Service Officer, Robert Hobgood-Judge Advocate, Tony Kerensky-Finance Officer.
Missing: Ernie Dimeler-1st Sergeant At Arms and Ansel Greenwood-Executive Committee