Post 52 Contest Results Are Official.
January 7, 2012 American Legion Post 52, Franklinton, NC, held their Oratorical contest and the winner was Austin Ellis. He now moves on to the district contest, also being held here at Post 52 on the 21st. If you see him at school or in the neighborhood give him encouragement and come out and support him at the district contest.

Austin Ellis with his mother Kelly Ellis
District 5 Contest.
January 21, 2012 American Legion Post 52, Franklinton, NC, hosted the District 5 Oratorical contest. Sorry to say that our candidate will not be progressing to the Division Contest in Wilson.
Division 1 Contest Is Next Up.
February 11, 2012 starting at 1:00 p.m. at the Wilson County Agricultural Center, 1806 Goldsboro Street SW, Wilson, NC 27893. Please plan to attend and see who progresses to the State finals.