Post 52 is proud to support many of the programs that the American Legion sponsors. Each year, we celebrate the birthday of the American Legion (established March 15, 1919) with a banquet to recognize the sacrifices of those on our home front. These are people who, through their unselfish service to our Community and Country, have contributed to our quality of life. We do this by recognizing those individual who have been recognized by their peers for out-standing support to our community. These include members from Fire, Law Enforcement, Emergency Medical Services, as well as others, for their out-standing support to our community. This years recipients are listed below.
EMS Commendation
Virginia Campbell was nominated for this award for her outstanding performance as well as her drive to help and care for others in Franklin County.
Virginia earned her EMT certification 18 years ago when she when she attended an EMT Basic class at Vance Granville Community College. She eventually went on to earn her Paramedic certification and has held it for 5 years. She also was a volunteer on the Epsom Fire Department as a first responder.
Virginia has continuously furthered her education by attending class for Community Paramedic, Crisis Intervention Team training, Critical Incident Stress Management as well as Group Crisis Intervention. She works closely with the Franklin County Senior Citizens offices to make sure that our citizens are taken care of.

Shown above is Virginia Campbell receiving her certificate from our Commander Harvey Satterwhite.
Fireman Commendation
While Brian Hanson was selected and highly recommended by his peers to receive this award as Fireman of the Year, that's not all he has done to supported his community. He was a long time member of the Franklinton Rescue & EMS. Brian also worked in numerous law enforcement agencies in the area including: Franklinton Police Department; Youngsville Police Department; and the Franklin County Sheriff's Office.
Shown above is Brian Hanson receiving his certificate from Commander Harvey Satterwhite.
Law Enforcement Commendation
Chief James Davis Jr. comes highly recommended for this award by the town of Franklinton. Before James was made Chief he held many positions in the Law Enforcement, including 14 years with the Franklin County Sheriff's Office. While working at the sheriff's office, James held many position including: Deputy-Sheriff of Patrol; Narcotics Agent; Criminal Investigator; Corporal on Patrol and Sergeant of Patrol Division.
James joined the Franklinton Police Department in August 2016, where he was assigned to School Resource Officer at Franklinton Middle School. He worked in that capacity until July 20, 2020, when he was appointed Interim Chief of Police. After 5 months on the job, the Town Commissioner's named him the permanent Chief of Police. Since that time James has been striving to have good communication and relationships while hiring qualified offices who want to grow with the town. All of this is being done to make Franklinton the safest town in Franklin County.

Here is Chief James Davis, Jr receiving his certificate from Commander Harvey Satterwhite.
NCO of the Year Commendation
No candidate submitted this year
Community Service Commendation
Bernie Meader received his certificate in recognition an appreciation for his volunteer service to our community through his developing and nurturing the Franklinton Community Garden, a garden that has provided fresh vegetables to many in our community. He has gathered other volunteers in the planning, preparation, planting, and harvesting the bounties of the garden.

Shown above is Bernie Meader receiving his certificate from Commander Harvey Satterwhite.
Post 52 Legionnaire of the Year
Our Legionnaire of the year award went to Chris Smith for his outstanding support of our Post during the past year. He was instrumental in coordinating with the VA to get the S.A.V.E. program held at our Post. He has managed to get the Franklin Times to publish information on what we are doing in the community.

Shown above is Chris Smith receiving his certificate from Harvey Satterwhite.
Commander's Special Recognition
Franklin County Veterans Service Officer, Brenda Wilkins, was selected to receive special recognition for her outstanding support of all veterans, regardless of where they live. She is exceedingly knowledgeable of all VA benefits and she works tirelessly on behalf of those who come to her with legitimate claims. She has been instrumental in getting veterans the support they need from the VA. We are extremely fortunate to have someone of her caliber working on our behalf

Above, Brenda is receiving her recognition certificate from Commander Satterwhite.
Shown below, l to r, are all award winners: Law Enforcement - Chief James Davis, Jr.; EMT - Virginia Campbell; Community Service - Bernie Meader; Commander's Special Recognition - Brenda Wilkins; Fireman of the Year - Brian Hanson; Legionnaire of the Year - Chris Smith
To see Additional photos of the Banquet click here.