Post 52 is proud to support many of the programs that the American Legion sponsors. Each year, we celebrate the birthday of the American Legion (established March 15, 1919) with a banquet to recognize the sacrifices of those on our home front. These are people who, through their unselfish service to our Community and Country, have contributed to our quality of life. We do this by recognizing one individual from Fire, Law Enforcement, Emergency Medical Services, as well as others, for their out-standing support to our community. This years recipients are listed below.
EMS Commendation
Commander Michael Donnelly presenting the Emergency Medical Services Certificate of Commendation to Robert "Bob" Phillips.
Fireman Commendation
Steward Goswick introduced Fire Chief Darrell G. Chalk as the Fireman of the Year from the Franklinton Fire Department.

Chief Chalk is a 35-year veteran who has held many positions in the department. He is currently president of the Franklin County Fire Chiefs Association.
Law Enforcement Commendation

The next presenter was Franklinton Police Chief John Green, who presented Officer Talia Sharice Bowden with the Officer of the Year Award. Chief Green had nothing but praises for Officer Bowden and the work she does and the example she sets for the youth of Franklinton.
NCO of the Year Commendation
The out-standing Non-Commissioned Officer of the year was, Sergeant Devin M. Hawkins. While being recognized for his devotion to duty and leadership, he will be missed, as he being transferred to the southwest to take on addition responsibilities. Keep up the good work, our Nation and it's Military need strong leadership.
Community Service Commendation

Our certificate of appreciation for Community Service when to follow legionnaire, Ed Wilson. Ed has been involved in the community building ramps for the physically impaired veterans and non-veterans of Franklin County and the surrounding area. When you see him, thank him for his hard work and dedication this valiant endeavor.
Post 52 Legionnaire of the Year

Our Legionnaire of the Year recipient was Ricky Nowell. Ricky is a dedicated and hard working legionnaire. As the Post Sargent-at-Arms, he maintains the flags we post around the town of Franklinton. You could find him at the Post, lending his support for our fundraising activities as well as washing dishes after meeting dinners. We salute you for all of your hard works.
To see Additional photos of the Banquet click here.