Post 52 is proud to support many of the programs that the American Legion sponsors. Each year, we celebrate the birthday of the American Legion (which was established March 15, 1919) with a banquet to recognize the sacrifices of those on our home front. These are people who, through their unselfish service to our Community and Country, have contributed to our quality of life. We do this by recognizing one individual from Fire, Law Enforcement, Emergency Medical Services, as well as others, for their out-standing support to our community. This years recipients are listed below.
EMS Commendation
Vice Commander Harvey Satterwhite and Commander George Tracy presenting the Emergency Medical Services Certificate of Commendation to Katherine Lamell “Kat”.
Law Enforcement Commendation

Left to Right are, Vice Commander Harvey Satterwhite, District 5 Commander Michael Donnelly, Franklinton Police Chief, John Green and Commander George Tracy presenting the Law Enforcement Certificate of Commendation. Chief Green is also a member of Post 52.
NCO of the Year Commendation
SGT Garrett Phillips of the Louisburg National Guard was the NCO of the Year. He received his Certificate of Commendation from Commander Tracy.
Community Service Commendation
Our certificate of apprecation this year when to John Thomas Green, Jr., in recognition and sincere appreciation for your dedicated service to our community through your Leadership in establishing the Community Basketball Program that, in three years has grown to offer basketball, T-ball, softball (both adult and youth leagues), soccer, and volleyball (youth and adult league). The recreation programs you spearheaded in developing have grown to serve over 300 of our youth and adults and is one of the largest recreation programs in this area. Thank you for all that you.
Post 52 Legionnaire of the Year

Adrienne M. O'Neill, Post 52 Post Executive Committee Member, received the 2018 Post 52 Legionnaire of the Year Award from Commander Tracy. Adrienne played a vital role in reestablishing the Post Axilliary. She is now a dual family member. Adrienne gives of her time to fund raiser and when we had an openning on the Executive Board she steped up to fill the remainder of the term vacated by previous member.
To see Additional photos of the Banquet click here.