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Franklinton American Legion Post 5240 American Legion Road, Franklinton, NC 27525 |
Home Site Map MyLegion.org Social Share ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Veterans still serving our community, state, and nation since 1919 |
Commanders' Message
Last month I mentioned our need for a new kettle for use in our fund raising efforts. I'm proud to say that the Executive Committee approved the purchase of a kettle and we are now the owners of a 90 gallon kettle and a 200,000 BTU burner to heat it with. Stop by the next time you are in the area or look at it when you attend or help with the next fund raiser on Good Friday. I hope to see you there, either helping or supporting our effort. The nominating committee is currently taking names of individuals who are interested in serving as officers of the Post. If you have an interest in serving, contact Wyatt McGee, and submit your name. All positions, except for the two Executive Committee members who have not completed their three year term, are open. This month we celebrate our 99th birthday as a veterans service organization, having held our first caucus in Paris on March 15-17, 1919. This was quickly followed by the St. Louis caucus on May 8-10, 1919. The second caucus was needed so that all the voices of those that had served could be heard. From this caucus came the date and location for our first convention, that being November 10-12 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. During this time our own local veterans were getting together to form a Post here in Franklinton. We were granted our charter this same year in December. Our National Commander, Denise Rohan, is required to speak before a joint session of congress each year. This happened on February 28th this year. I have placed a link on our Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/NCPost52/ for those who would like to hear and see what happened this year. The entire session was one hour and forty five minutes. In her speech she emphasized that the American Legion is against privatization of the VA system. “All of us veterans, we did not fight for Blue Cross and Blue Shield. We fought for the USA - the red, white, and blue,” Rohan said. “The American Legion is 100 percent for funding the VA system, making sure that our veterans are taken care of, where they need it, when they need it. Sometimes that means choice. They need to go to a non-VA provider, but that system we have – that is where veterans need to get their care.” Several lawmakers commented on our Commanders “Family First” theme and The American Legion's commitment to expanding benefits for caregivers of veterans from all generations. “We have so many moms and dads who are taking care of their heroes, who came home injured. We have husbands and wives, who devoted their lives. And our veterans did not just serve after 9/11,” Rohan said. I would recommend to all that if you have the time to listen to the whole presentation that you do so. It is very informative. Duty, Honor, and Country – George G. Tracy Auxiliary Notes
Upcoming events: Friday, March 30th, from 11:00 am to 7:00 pm Post 52 will be having its annual Good Friday Fish and Oyster Fry. The Auxiliary will also have a bake sale during that time - which has proven to be an excellent fund raiser for us. Since all baked goods will be $1.00, we are asking that you individually pack the desserts in zip locks before bringing them to the Post. Brownies, cupcakes and cookies seem to sell best. Thank you! Please join us at our next meeting at 5:30 pm on Tuesday, March 27 at the Franklinton Senior Center. May you all have a blessed Easter! Adrienne O’Neill Vice-Commander's Report
Secondly the American Legion recognizes the sacrifice of those on our home front that contribute to our quality of life by recognizing individuals from Fire, EMS, Law Enforcement, Community Service, Soldiers, and the American Legion family that go above and beyond in their service to our Community and Country. We all should be thankful for these individuals who work so hard to make our communities a Safe and Better place for all our citizens. Be sure when you see any of these folks to make an effort to “Thank” them for their service. I still get questions concerning your Free Life Insurance. As a reminder all members that if you have Not Called to Activate your Free Life Insurance Policy please do so by calling 1-800-235-6943. If you have been a member for over 5 years and have not called to Renew your policy you must do so. Also a good time to confirm your information and beneficiary. Please remember to purchase your American Flag from Post 52 or On-line at emblem sales. You will not buy a better quality flag for the price, period. When purchasing on line at Emblem Sales be sure to remember to register it to Post 52, North Carolina. Emblem Sales will donate 10% of the purchase price back to our Post. Don’t forget that our Post 52 will host the Division 1 meeting on Saturday, March 17th, at 11:00am with lunch to follow. Come out and meet other Legionnaires from Roxboro to Manteo. Be sure to look at the calendar in this News Letter for upcoming events at your Post and make plans to attend. One last note, dust off those old photos of when you were in the service and get them to me. We will be putting together a Post Directory in celebration of our 100th Birthday. Photo session will be Monday and Tuesday, June 4th and 5th so be sure to mark your calendars now. For God and Country - Harvey Satterwhite |
Schedule of Upcoming Events |
Saturday, March 10, 2018 | District 5 meeting Post 166, Oxford 10:00am |
Saturday, March 10, 2018 |
Annual Awards Banquet/Legion Birthday celebration. 6:00pm Menu: Beef Tips on Rice, or Pork Roast, or Chicken, w/Green Beans, Carrots, Dessert, Tea and Coffee |
Tuesday, March 13, 2018 | Executive Committee Meets at 7:00 pm |
Saturday, March 17, 2018 | Division I meeting at Post 52, 11:00am with lunch to follow meeting |
Tuesday, March 27, 2018 |
Post Meeting; 7pm, Nomination of officers for the 2018-2019 Menu: Grilled pork chops, chicken, cream potatoes, green beans, peas, dessert, beverage |
Tuesday, March 27, 2018 | Ladies Auxiliary Meeting at Franklinton Senior Center – 5:30 pm |
Thursday, March 29, 2018 | Prep for Fish Fry Fund Raiser; 2:00pm |
Friday, March 30, 2018 | Fish/Oyster Fry Fund Raiser; 11am – 7pm, $8 per fish plate, $10 Combo, $12 Oyster |
Tuesday, April 10, 2018 | Executive Committee Meets at 7:00 pm |
Tuesday, April 24, 2018 | Post Meeting; 7pm, Election of officers for the 2018-2019 |
When: | Friday, March 30th, 11:00am to 7:00pm |
Where: | Post 52, 40 American Legion Rd, Franklinton, NC |
Cost: | $8 for Fish Plate; $10 for a Combo; $12 for an Oyster Plate |
Notes: | |
Preparation for the fund raiser will be on Thursday, March 29th at 2pm at the Post. Legionnaires are needed on Friday to cook, serve, clean, and deliver starting at 7am and ending at 8:30pm. Any number of hours you can help are greatly appreciated. |