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Franklinton American Legion Post 5240 American Legion Road, Franklinton, NC 27525 |
Home Site Map MyLegion.org Social Share ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Veterans still serving our community, state, and nation since 1919 |
Commanders' Message
While that is the most we have ever made and sold, it was not without a great deal of effort. The hardest thing when making that much stew, is keeping it consistent across multiple pots. We only have one large kettle and that doesn't belong to the Post. So therefore, I have asked the Executive board to get quotes on buying a larger kettle of our own for future stew fund raisers. Our next fund raiser will be a fish/oyster fry on Good Friday. I hope to see you there, either helping or supporting with the purchase of a great dinner at a reasonable price. This month our delegates will be attending the North Carolina Mid-Winter Conference at the North Raleigh Hilton, on February 16th & 17th. You don't need to be a delegate to attend. All you need is $5 to register. This will let you attend any meeting of any committee as well as the general session on Saturday. If you are interested in what the Legion is doing to support the different programs, this would be a great opportunity to see first hand. The experience may inspire you to become a delegate and future leader of this great organization. We are coming up on our 99th birthday celebration where we honor the men and women in our community for the outstanding work they do every day to make this a better place to live and keep us safe. This is in keeping with our founding fathers notion of true Americanism. This is stressed in our preamble, Americanism, individual obligation to the community, state, and nation; battling the autocracy of the classes and masses; right the master of might; peace and good will on earth; justice, freedom, and democracy! Our organization wasn't founded on a selfish, “what is in this for me”, attitude. It is only in the last two words of our preamble that mention is made of our welfare. And those two words are “mutual helpfulness”. But be sure to understand the connection in which they are used. ...we associate ourselves together...to consecrate and sanctify our comradeship by our devotion to mutual helpfulness.” What this has meant over the years has been for us to see to the needs of our veterans by helping to: get jobs back; retrain for new jobs; get back pay and allotments that were due; rehabilitate those who suffered physical lose; establish and improve our GI bill, etc. So mutual helpfulness was, and has always been, a partnering with Uncle Sam for the betterment of our Nation. Because, for every job the Legion gets an unemployed veteran, or training and education, or rehabilitation makes for a better citizen. And better citizenship is what the Legion strives for through all of its programs. Duty, Honor, and Country – George G. Tracy Auxiliary Notes
Vice-Commander's Report
We will have our annual awards banquet Saturday, March 10th 2018. The evening starts at 6:00pm with fellowship followed by full course meal @ 7:00, followed by awards. Please make plans to attend and show you support for those in our community and Legion family that give so much. Let’s pack the house showing our support for these people since they support our community and our efforts as a Veteran organization. We will also recognize and celebrate the 99th birthday of the American Legion and our Post. We have begun the process of making a Post Directory which we want to have before we celebrate the 100th Year of the American Legion as well as our Post. Yes our Post was chartered in 1919. We will be taking photos at the Post on Monday June 4th and Tuesday June 5th. We will be asking you to sign up for a photo session in the coming weeks. So go ahead and mark your calendars. You will receive a Free 8x10 photo for just showing up and taking your picture. Also as part of our Directory we need your old photos back when you were in the service. So start to dig them out and review and select on so we can put into our directory. It would be out of character if I did not mention membership. We have lost 4 members in the last month who went to be with the Great Commander and Chief. If you have not renewed please consider doing so and as always invite a Veteran to our monthly meeting. For God and Country - Harvey Satterwhite |
Schedule of Upcoming Events |
Tuesday, February 13, 2018 | Executive Committee Meets at 7:00 pm |
February 16 & 17 2018 | Mid Winter Conference @ North Raleigh Hilton |
Tuesday, February 27, 2018 |
Post 52 meeting – 7:00pm This is a ladies night so being your
significant other. Menu: We will be having a Chili Cook-off, where around 6-8 members will bring in their own homemade chili for our meal. Come on in and help us select a winner. Chili, crackers, drinks, dessert. |
Saturday, March 10, 2018 | District 5 meeting Post 166, Oxford 10:00am |
Saturday, March 10, 2018 |
Annual Awards Banquet/Legion Birthday celebration. 6:00pm Menu: Beef Tips on Rice, Smothered Chicken, Green Beans, Carrots, Dessert, Tea and Coffee |
Tuesday, March 13, 2018 | Executive Committee Meets at 7:00 pm |
Tuesday, March 27, 2018 | Post Meeting; 7pm, Nomination of officers for the 2018-2019 |
Thursday, March 29, 2018 | Prep for Fish Fry Fund Raiser; 2:00pm |
Friday, March 30, 2018 | Fish/Oyster Fry Fund Raiser; 11am – 7pm, $8 per fish plate, $10 Combo, $12 Oyster |
Post 52 lost four members in January. Donald Hicks, a 38 year member, died on January 6th, Willie Williams, a 56 year member, died on January 19th, William Quinn, a 36 year member, died on January20th and, Milton (Tom) Hayes, a 6 year member, died on January 23rd. Our condolences go out to the families of our departed brothers.
Saturday, March 10th, 6pm |
Full course meal will be served $5 per person |
Make plans to be there on the 10th of March to |
show our appreciation for these |
men and women who serve our community |