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Franklinton American Legion Post 5240 American Legion Road, Franklinton, NC 27525 |
Home Site Map MyLegion.org Social Share ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Veterans still serving our community, state, and nation since 1919 |
Commanders' Message
I was disappointed with the turn out for our Awards and Birthday Banquet this year. The food was outstanding and everyone in attendance enjoyed the camaraderie with the guests and award recipients. I know that March madness played a part in some of you not coming out but we should have more members than guests at these functions. You may view the program and the winners on our web-site at: www.americanlegionpost52.org/ALBirthAwards2018.html. The organizers of the National Vietnam War Veterans Day ceremony held on the capitol grounds on March 29th, were very late in getting information out to the Posts. They notified us Wednesday afternoon of the program to be held at the Vietnam Memorial on Thursday morning. Due to the number of complaints, I think they will do a better job next year. At our March meeting we held nominations for officers for the 2018-19 year. Thank you Wyatt McGhee and your committee for your due diligence in acquiring a full slate of officers. The following are the only changes to the current slate of officers: Commander – Harvey Satterwhite; 1st Vice Commander – Michael Donnelly; 2nd Vice Commander – Robert Junk; and Historian – George G. Tracy. The election to make it official will be held at our April meeting. Charles Etheridge spoke to the membership about volunteering to serve other veterans with Hospice. He related his experiences serving and how rewarding it is while at the same time eliciting other to do the same. Wyatt McGhee pointed out the article published in the March, Legion Magazine that talked to The Vietnam War Commemoration. This article talked to the establishment of a National Vietnam War Veterans Day to be on 29th of March. For additional information goto: www.vietnamwar50th.com. We have another important task to perform at the April meeting and that will be the selection of our delegates for the coming year. We had 6 delegates last year. Delegate count depends on membership count. We still need a few more renewals to reach the magic number of 226 members in order to maintain our delegate strength. Our new officers will be sworn-in at the conclusion of the May meeting to start their terms. In addition to the Post election in May, there will be an election of new District 5 Officers. Michael Donnelly is stepping down to make a run for Division 1 Commander. Mike has done an outstanding job as District Commander and will be an exceptional leader for the Division. I apologize to all of our members not on the Internet. I missed the Post Pancake breakfast for our members, veterans, and their families scheduled for Saturday, 7 April, from 7 am to 10 am. So I ask each of you who receive this electronically to help get the word out. I hope to see you there. Duty, Honor, and Country – George G. Tracy Auxiliary Notes
Our President, Carolyn Donnelly, was recently voted as President for NC District 6. Congratulations to Carolyn and thank you for volunteering to serve even more! Our next regular meeting will be Tuesday, April 24, at 5:30 pm, at the Franklinton Senior Center. Please bring your VOLUNTEER HOURS to this meeting. Any hours that you have used to serve the Auxiliary count; including baking and sewing, along with any monies you have spent. We will also be ordering from the Flag and Emblem Catalog, so if you would like to add something to the order please bring the information with you. Upcoming events: Until further notice, our Executive and Sew Day will be on the same day, the second Tuesday of the month at Post 52. The Executive Meeting will begin at 9:00 am and then be followed by sewing lap quilts for the VA, ending at 3:00 pm. Please bring a lunch and join us! Adrienne O’Neill Vice-Commander's Report
Our Newsletter has a listing of upcoming events to help you in planning. Please review these dates and mark your calendars with the dates you can support an activity here at the Post. If we each chip in a little we can achieve great things. Membership is the life and power of the American Legion. I know we have a number of members out there that have not renewed their membership. I want to thank you for your support in the past and ask that you please consider renewal of your Membership by the end of April. You can contact me at 919-358-5591, or Go On-Line to My Legion and renew your membership. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Our Post needs our Attention. We will be scheduling a Post Work Day in the near future. Make plans now to help us out. Breakfast and Lunch will be provided. Post Directory, As we approach our 100th year Birthday, WOW and Yes 100 years. We are compiling information and Pictures for a Post Directory. We also have schedule for Monday and Tuesday June 4th and 5th, Photo Sessions at the Post for All Members and their family. Let’s make this Historical event one to remember and be able to pass on to the next generation of Legionnaires. As a side note, do not confuse our Directory with the one Department is putting together, two separate Directories. For God and Country - Harvey Satterwhite |
Schedule of Upcoming Events |
Saturday, April 07, 2018 | Pancake & Sausage breakfast (free) 7:00-10:00am, All veterans and family welcome |
Tuesday, April 10, 2018 | Executive Committee Meets at 7:00 pm |
Tuesday, April 24, 2018 |
Post Meeting; 7pm, Election of officers for the 2018-2019 Menu: Hot Dogs and Hamburgers, Baked Beans, Chips, Desert, Tea, Coffee |
Saturday, May 12, 2018 | District 5 Meeting at Post 52, 10:00am |
Tuesday, May 15, 2018 | Executive Committee Meets at 7:00 pm |
Saturday, May 26, 2018 | Place Flags on veterans’ graves at local cemeteries – 9:00am @ Fairview Cemetery |
Sunday, May 27, 2018 | Memorial Day Program at Fairview Cemetery, 2:00pm |
Tuesday, May 29, 2018 |
Post Meeting; 7pm, Installation of officers for the 2018-2019 Ladies night |
Post 52 recognizes the positive contributions made by outstanding members of our community each year by bringing them and their families to the post for an evening of food and fellowship. The recipients of the annual awards are selected by their peers. The legion post is simply the mechanism through which recognition is made of their service to our community. Our thanks go out to each of the citizens below.
![]() Adrienne O’Neill |
![]() Sgt. Garrett Phillips |
![]() Katherine Lamell |
![]() Chief John Green, Jr. |
Edward A. Harris, Jr., 96, died on March 29, 2018. Ed was a WWII veteran and a 50-year member of Post 52.