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Franklinton American Legion Post 5240 American Legion Road, Franklinton, NC 27525 |
Home Site Map MyLegion.org Social Share ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Veterans still serving our community, state, and nation since 1919 |
Commanders' Message
Well, as many of you already know, Mike Donnelly was not elected Division I Command at this convention, but he is not a quitter and has vowed to run again next year. Speaking of running for office, Bill Oxford, is a leading candidate for National Commander in two years. Many of you know Bill from Legion College, both as an organizer and instructor. (I guess I should also mention he is a Past Department Commander.) Thanks to all of you who helped with the Stand-Up-For-America event on July 2nd. With the change in venue, it appeared the event didn't draw as big of a crowd as it has in the past, but they do have room to grow in the future. It is official, our ladies got together at our last meeting and have formed Unit 52 of The American Legion Auxiliary. There were 16 charter members who signed up. I am looking for great things to happen as we work together for the betterment of our organization and its goals. At our last Executive Board meeting we discussed possible expansion of the Post so that we can handle our future growth. We will be forming an exploratory committee to look into all aspects of our current and future needs. If you are interested in joining this committee please let one of your officers know or call me @ 919-818-9705. Next up will be our BBQ Chicken and Pork fund raiser on Saturday, August 18th, 11-7. Please come out and support this great event. Duty, Honor, and Country - George G. Tracy Auxiliary Notes
See you there! - Adrienne O’Neil Vice-Commander's Report
Wow we ended up with 229 paid members for 2017 with a goal of 235 for 2018. District 5 was 2nd place in the State and Post 52 was 2nd place in the District for 2017. District Commander Mike Donnelly has set the goal for District 5 to be 1st place in the state for 2018. Lets do our part to make this happen. 100% before Veterans Day would be a Great Start. I want to remind all members that if you have business concerning the American Legion you are invited and encouraged to present your business to the executive committee during any of our regular scheduled meetings. I was reminded during my recent convention by our State Judge Advocate that All business presented to the Post must go before the executive committee before being presented as a motion to the membership. So I encourage all of you to work with your executive committee so we can carry on the business of the American Legion in an expeditious manner. The summer means, graduations, travel, vacations, cookouts, and more, so take the time with your friends and family and remember safety during your travels and events. For God and Country, Harvey Satterwhite Chaplain's CornerView From A New Angle
I've loved airplanes since I was a boy. I have a clear recollection from the age of 12 on my first flight. A family friend, who was a Navy pilot of World War II, had a two seated Cessna at his farm. As I sat in the copilot seat, I braced myself for the take off. He had built a homemade runway. The engine became louder. We moved down the runway. It was really bumpy. But as we got faster, we lifted off the ground, and things became unbelievably smooth. There I was, getting a view of my whole world from a new angle. Things were getting smaller on the ground, but I recognized the farm buildings and the ponds where we swam and fished. Then there was the old rock quarry. And the outline of the old train tracks. I saw the town and the old cotton mill, and all the houses where my friends lived. They looked like blocks on my monopoly board. The pilot asked if I wanted to fly. "Now keep the horizon bar on the horizon," he said. Wow, I was flying! Following his instructions, I turned to the left and to the right, keeping the horizon bar level. He made me feel good when he said, "you'd make a good pilot, your reaction time is quicker than mine." We descended over the power line and came in for a rough landing. The whole flight took about 10 to 15 minutes. It's amazing to consider an experience that gives you an entirely new perspective. The birth of your first child that kind of event, suddenly creating a whole new priority. But there is no change more dramatic than the spiritual awakening when Jesus Christ comes into your heart. Your life changes suddenly and completely. You see other people with new eyes. You experience the perfection of God's love as revealed by His son. Now may God with love and peace be with you and your family. In Jesus name, Amen. Bill Kimbrough |
Schedule of Upcoming Events |
Tuesday, July 11, 2017 | Executive Committee Meets at 7:00 pm |
July 14,15, 2017 | Legion College @ Clemmons NC |
Tuesday, July 25, 2017 | Post Meeting – 7:00pm; This is family night so bring your spouse and children. Menu: Hotdogs, Hamburgers and all the trimmings, Dessert, Tea, Coffee |
Tuesday, August 01, 2017 | National Night Out – 5pm-9pm; Post 52 will man a booth on Franklinton main street selling hot dogs and cold drinks. |
Tuesday, August 15, 2017 | Executive Committee Meets at 7:00 pm |
Friday, August 18, 2017 | Preparation for Chicken/Pork BBQ fund raiser – 2pm at the post. |
Saturday, August 19, 2017 | Chicken/Pork BBQ plates, 11am -7pm, $8 per plate, ½ chicken, or all pork, or ¼ chicken combo. |
Tuesday, August 29, 2017 | Post Meeting – 7:00pm |
Post Everlasting: Billy Abbott died on July 1st. Billy was a 45 year member of Post 52 and over the years had served in several leadership roles. Post 52 provided full military for our departed comrade.
New/Transferring Members: Post 52 welcomes Lloyd Manny, Jeremiah Garretson, Dennis Barbour, Donald Woodward, and Donald Davis. All are Viet Nam war era vets.
2017 School Award Medal Winners |
Award winners are selected by school faculty who exemplify six qualities that define character:
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Bailey Pelt | Tori Smith | Cameron Shaw | ||
Franklinton High School | Cedar Creek Middle School | Franklinton Middle |