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Franklinton American Legion Post 5240 American Legion Road, Franklinton, NC 27525 |
Home Site Map MyLegion.org Social Share ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Veterans still serving our community, state, and nation since 1919 |
Commanders' Message
By the time you get this in hard copy form, we will have had our Post Oratorical Contest on the 7th of January. But please plan to attend the District 5 contest to be held at our Post on Saturday, the 21st, at 1:00PM If you can assist please contact me. My email address and phone number appear in this column. Our first Fundraiser of the year will be Brunswick Stew at the same price as last year, $8.00 a quart. Sales/Pickup will be from 11 till 2,on Saturday, January 14>th with prep work on Friday January 13th from 2-4 PM. Since we only prepare about 200 quarts, it would be a good idea to reserve your order before that date or we my be sold out. So please call one of the following numbers to place your order: 919-818-9705 – Me; 919-494-2851 – Steve.. If no one answers, please leave a message with your name, phone number and number of quarts you would like to purchase. We will get back to you with conformation. Since this is the beginning of a new year, I will be forming two committees within the next month. The first will be the yearly Financial Audit Committee and the second will be the Nominating Committee. I am looking for volunteers for both. Also, with the resignation of our Americanism Committee chairman, I am also seeking a dedicated candidate for this position. Remember Americanism is one of the four pillars of our great organization. Let it be known that the hours can be long, the thanks – minimal, and the only reward for a job well done, comes from the knowledge that you my have changed a young persons life for the better and helped mold them to be model citizens For God, County and the American Legion, George G. Tracy Vice-Commander's Report
As we begin a New Year I know some things will change but some things should not change such as our Love for God and Country, Friends and Family. So as we begin a New Year I would encourage us all to reflect on the many blessings we have with Life, Family and Freedom and to support the American Legion as we continue to ensure that our Veterans and their families are a priority on Capitol Hill. Let’s start the New Year off with a bang. Come to our January meeting and bring a vet with you! Flash back to the January 2010 Newsletter - “A great big "Whoa" went out to the Membership Team and all paid members. We have exceeded the 100% mark on membership and are currently first place in the District.” I would like to say that were true today, but sadly we still have about 30 members who have not renewed. All members not paid by 1 January are declared delinquent. I want to personally extend a welcome to All New Members of our Post and ask that ALL consider getting involved in one or more of the programs that Post 52 supports. As a Post we need new ideas that can help us move forward and as a member you can help us so ask how you can get involved. Some of the programs currently going on in our Post; 1) Oratorical Contest, 2) Nominating Committee, 3) Stand Up for America / July 4th, 4) Boys State, 5) Student Trooper, 6) Legion Birthday & Awards Banquet, 7) Finance Committee, 8) Rifle Squad, 9) Building & Grounds, 10) Food Service. Also, beginning in February, the Post 52 Nominating Committee will be starting its work of seeking candidates for All Officers positions. I ask that all members consider serving in some capacity in the upcoming year. Our Post success depends on good officers so I encourage you to consider any of the positions that will be open. For God and Country, Harvey Satterwhite Chaplain's CornerHappy New Year
Abraham Lincoln has been described as one of America's greatest leaders. He possessed all these abilities, which included, boldness, flexibility, capacity for risk, the ability communicate, character, tact, courage, honesty, decisiveness, caution, humor, modesty, hard-working, forgiveness, responsibility, resilience, inspiring by lesson and example, to admit, to learn from mistakes. Speaking the language of people and responsibility to posterity. Even his enemy, the dubious New York Times, after they had questioned his leadership, looked back on his record and admitted he was independent, self poised, steadfast and you always knew where to find him. He was a true hero. Another new year has begun in 2017. We may not be a hero as Abraham Lincoln was, but we have a good chance to be as the one sitting on the mountain side teaching and saying- Matthew 5:3-12 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst, for their righteousness, for they will be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Great is your reward in heaven.” Now may God with love and peace be with you and your family. In Jesus name, Amen. Bill Kimbrough |
Schedule of Upcoming Events |
Saturday, January 07, 2017 | Post Oratorical Contest; 1:00 pm (Snow Date and time: 14 January at 2:30 pm) |
Friday, January 13, 2017 | >Brunswick stew preparation; 2:00 pm |
Saturday, January 14, 2017 | Brunswick Stew sale; 11:00 am till 2: pm, $8/qt (Pre-order to reserve your stew) |
Tuesday, January 17, 2017 | Executive Committee Meets at 7:00 pm |
Saturday, January 21, 2017 | District 5 meeting; 11:00 am at Post 52 followed by Oratorical Contest at 1:00 pm |
Tuesday, January 31, 2017 | Monthly Meeting, 7:00 pm Menu: Spaghetti with Meat Sauce, Salad, Toast, Dessert, Beverages |
Saturday, February 11, 2017 | Division I Oratorical Contest, 11:00 am, Post 126 Hertford |
Tuesday, February 14, 2017 | Executive Committee Meets at 7:00 pm |
February 17 and 18, 2017 | Mid-Winter Conference, North Raleigh Hilton, Raleigh, NC |
Tuesday, February 28, 2017 | Post Monthly Meeting- 7:00pm (Ladies/Spouses Night) Menu: TBD |
Cold weather has finally made its way into North Carolina and cold weather is the perfect time for a bowl of hot Brunswick Stew. Post 52 will sell its famous Brunswick stew ($8.00/qt) on Saturday, January 14th, 11:00 am. |
Call Steve at 919 494-2851 or email him at stephen.ijames@gmail.com or Tony at 919-264-1671 or George at 919 818-9705 to reserve your quarts. Of course, you can come by the post on the 14th to buy your Brunswick Stew. We will be there until it is all sold. |