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Franklinton American Legion Post 5240 American Legion Road, Franklinton, NC 27525 |
Home Site Map MyLegion.org Social Share ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Veterans still serving our community, state, and nation since 1919 |
Commanders' Message
We as legionnaires must support our communities. As it says in the preamble to our constitution, “To inculcate a sense of individual obligation to the community, state and nation”. Post 52 membership covers many local communities in Franklin County and beyond, So please take part in activities that support your community and be proud to let people know you are a legionnaire. Please join us at our next meeting on August 29, as we celebrate the formation of our Unit 52 of The American Legion Auxiliary. Judy Stancel, a representative of the Department Auxiliary, will be there to install the newly elected officers. Remember your wife, daughters and granddaughters are eligible to join the Auxiliary. So lets make this a family affair; come out and join us. Speaking of family, you know that your sons and grandsons are eligible to join the Sons of the American Legion. While we currently do not have a Squadron attached to our Post, if there was enough interest, we could get one started. Something to think about going forward. Between now and the installation of Auxiliary Officers, we will be having a BBQ Chicken and Pork fundraiser on Saturday, August 19th, from11am until 7pm. Please come out and support this great event. As with all fundraiser, we will be meeting the day before at 2pm to make final preparation for Saturday. National has called on all members to contact their National Representatives in support the issuance of an American Legion Coin in 2019 to coincide with our 100th year anniversary. Since the mint only issues 2 commemorative coins per year and one has already been approved for 2019, we need to work to get approval. Therefore, please make contact as soon as possible. For those of you with internet access, you can use the following URL to contact your representatives: http://www.capwiz.com/legion/issues/alert/?alertid=78053626. If you have problems let me known. With the retirement of our Chaplain, we are in need of a replacement. We will have an open nomination for this vital position at our next meeting on 29 August. If multiple candidates are nominated, election will be at the September meeting. Duty, Honor, and Country - George G. Tracy Auxiliary Notes
Vice-Commander's Report
In 1919, The American Legion was founded on four pillars: Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation, National Security, Americanism, and Children & Youth. Each of these pillars encompasses a variety of programs that benefit our nation’s veterans, its service members, their families, the youth of America and ordinary citizens. These programs make a difference in hundreds of thousands of lives each year. As I have said before and will say it again, there are many in Washington with their hands out, but at the end of the day our Veterans have earned and deserve to be in the front of this line. “Earned and Deserved not Entitled to”, WHOA. Our organization’s position and programs are guided by resolutions passed by American Legion National Convention delegates, and by committee and commission members who represent 2.3 million wartime veterans and their families. These programs, and the men and women who take the time to perform them allow The American Legion to make a difference on the local, state and national levels. It’s who we are and what we do. As we explore our four pillars. As I put out last month, Our Post needs our attention. We are planning a Post Cleanup and Maintenance day on Saturday, September 23, beginning with breakfast at 8:00 am. Lunch will also be provided. So mark your calendars and sign up at our next meeting to help. Our new membership year has started and every member of the American Legion should understand that Membership is the life and power of our organization. I ask that you please consider getting your membership dues paid on or before November 1st and seek out new members. Membership is every member’s responsibility. FYI, the NC Department of Motor Vehicles offers the opportunity for veterans to request a veteran designation to be placed on their driver licenses and identification card. This service can be obtained at any driver license office throughout the state. You need to present your proof of honorable service such a DD214. We still have a number of soldiers serving on foreign soil, so please remember our Armed Forces and their Families in your prayers. For God and Country, Harvey Satterwhite Chaplain's Corner
BenedictionNow, the God of peace, who brought again from the dead, our Lord Jesus Christ, that great Shepherd of the sheep through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you perfect in every good work, to do his will, working in you that which is well pleasing in his site, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen. Bill Kimbrough |
Schedule of Upcoming Events |
Tuesday, August 15, 2017 | Executive Committee Meets at 7:00 pm |
Friday, August 18, 2017 | Preparation for Chicken/Pork BBQ fundraiser – 2pm at the post. |
Saturday, August 19, 2017 |
Chicken/Pork BBQ fundraiser, 11am -7pm $8 per plate, ½ chicken, or all pork, or ¼ chicken & pork combo. |
Tuesday, August 29, 2017 |
Post Meeting – 7:00pm Menu: BBQ Pork and Chicken, Green Beans, Potatoes, Slaw, Bread, Dessert, Tea, Coffee |
Tuesday, September 12, 2017 | Executive Committee Meets at 7:00 pm |
Saturday, September 23, 2017 | Post Maintenance Workday. Breakfast at 8:00am, Lunch served at noon. |
Tuesday, September 26, 2017 | Post Meeting – 7:00pm |
Post Everlasting:Phil Whitfield died on July 22nd. Phil was a WWII army veteran and a 44 year member of Post 52. He was active in our post up until his health prevented him from participating in post activities. Our condolences to his family. |
Post Fund Raiser:Come out on August 19th for a delicious meal of BBQ chicken or BBQ pork with, all for 8 bucks, no tax added. You can’t beat that value anywhere. And bring a neighbor or friend with you. |
Our Chaplain Retiring |
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Post 52 is deeply indebted to retiring Chaplain, Bill Kimbrough. Through his 12 years serving as our chaplain, Bill has been a steady beacon of spiritual guidance for post members. His kind attention to our shut-in veterans and to the widows of post members, has given comfort to many. He has helped post members live up to one of the vows we make in the Preamble to our constitution, “For God and Country we associate ourselves together To Promote Peace and Goodwill on Earth”. Thank you Bill. You have earned your rest but we will continue to need your guidance and inspiration. |