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Franklinton American Legion Post 5240 American Legion Road, Franklinton, NC 27525 |
Home Site Map MyLegion.org Social Share ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Veterans still serving our community, state, and nation since 1919 |
Commanders' Message
Some of you may have missed a news article that was posted in the Fayetteville Observer, as it relates to one of our long-time members, Oscar Davis. Oscar received his Purple-Heart after a 72 year wait. To read the article you can go to the following URL: http://www.fayobserver.com/news/20170325/after-long-wait-wwii-veteran-receives-overdue-purple-heart. The following candidates have been nominated for offices for the 2017-18 year: Commander – George Tracy, Vice Commander – Harvey Satterwhite; 2nd Vice Commander – Michael Donnelly; Adjutant – Ed Wilson and Ansel Greenwood; Finance Officer – Anthony Kerensky; Chaplain – William Kimbrough; Judge Advocate – Robert Hobgood; Veterans Service Officer – Steve Ijames; Sargent-At-Arms – Ricky Nowell; 1st Sargent-At-Arms – Ernie Dimeler; 2nd Sargent-At-Arms – Joseph Dillehay; Historian – William Hagwood; Executive Committee 3 year team – Renchor Wright; and due to the resignation of Bill Cox, who still had a year left to his term on the Executive Committee, we needed to fill the vacancy, therefore Adrienne O'Neill was nominated to this position. We have two activities coming up in April: First, the Fish and Oyster Fry, with prep work on 13 April at 2:00pm. and the fundraiser on the 14th from 11:00am. until 7:00pm. Second, a Pancake Breakfast at the Senior Center in Franklinton the last Saturday of the month at 8:30am. Meeting at the Post at 7:30 to transport what we need to the Center. For God, County, and the American Legion - George Tracy Auxiliary NewsAttention Ladies! You are invited to become a member of the future Post 52 Ladies Auxiliary. Our first information meeting will be at 5:30 pm on Tuesday, June 27, at Post 52. We will have information and registration available at that time. Our meetings will be the same night that the Post meets, and dinner will be served at 7 pm for those that wish to stay. Registration/dues for the year will be $25 and our charter will begin in July. Until then you can call or email Adrienne O'Neill, (919) 961-5317, oneillnest@hotmail.com; or Carolyn Donnelly, (919) 270-1857, cjdonnelly54@gmail.com, or visit the website at https://www.alaforveterans.org. Vice-Commander's Report
Let us not forget that we still have veterans returning from war that need our help and support. As we enter another year with new leadership I want to take a moment and thank those who serve as our Officers, our Executive committee as well as the members of Post 52 for making our Post the best in the District and a premiere Post in North Carolina. I would ask each of you to continue to support the mission of the American Legion and consider helping the Post in some way. We all have a lot to be proud of. For your convenience our News Letter has a listing of upcoming events to help you in planning. Please review these dates and mark your calendars with the dates you can support an activity here at the Post. If we each chip in a little we can achieve great things. Membership is the life and power of the American Legion. I know we have a number of members out there that have not renewed their membership. I want to thank you for your support in the past and ask that you please consider renewing your membership by the end of April. Thank you for your attention to this matter. For God and Country, Harvey Satterwhite Chaplain's CornerWorkers
Our American legion post needs workers. We need the physical work to help with preparing and putting on the fish and oyster fundraiser, April 13th and 14th. On the 13th the job requires setting up the tables and putting paper on them in order for our guests to eat at the post. Also on the tables, set out and fill up the salt and pepper shakers and fill up the napkin holders. Cut up five to eight 40 pound bags of potatoes in the one quarter size pieces, and cut out the bad places. Clean and cut the cabbage so that the electric shredder can cut it into slaw. Mix in the slaw ingredients. Boy, it smells good already, tastes good too. Set up the service line before we leave. The next morning, on the 14th the fish are thawed in salt water, cleaned, and put into the meal. Fire up the cookers and we start serving around 11 AM. Fix the hush puppy mix and make the ice tea. This doesn't sound like too hard of a job, no science degree needed. We need persons on each of the cookers, 3 to 5 needed cleaning and breading fish, 2 to cook hush puppies, 4 to 5 needed on the serving line, 2 needed taking food to the service line from the cooker, 1 serving drinks, 2 greeting customers and collecting the money. The thing that makes the job so hard is that only a few do the work, and have to do it all day. Please come by and give them a break, even if just for an hour or two. For it is your American Legion Post Jesus saw the crowds following him through the hills of Galilee, and said to his disciples, "the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Asked the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into the harvest field." Now may God with love and peace be with you and your family. In Jesus name, Amen. Bill Kimbrough |
Schedule of Upcoming Events |
Tuesday, April 11, 2017 | Executive Committee Meets at 7:00 pm |
Thursday, April 13, 2017 | Preparation for the Fish Fry fund raiser- 2:00pm at the post |
Friday, April 14, 2017 | Fish and Oyster fundraiser – 11:00am to 7:00pm, $8 fish plate, $10 combo, $12 oyster plate |
Tuesday, April 25, 2017 |
Post meeting – 7:00pm; Election of officers for the 2017-18 year Menu: Grilled Pork Loin, Potatoes & Gravy, Green Beans. Dessert, Tea, Coffee |
Saturday, April 29, 2017 |
Prepare and serve breakfast for the community at the Franklinton Senior Center - Meet at post at 7:00am, serve breakfast at 8:30am |
Tuesday, May 16, 2017 | Executive Committee Meets at 7:00 pm |
Saturday, May 27, 2017 | Place flags on veteran's graves for Memorial Day; meet at Fairview cemetery, Franklinton at 9:00am |
Sunday, May 28, 2017 | Memorial Day Program at Fairview Cemetery, 2:00pm |
Tuesday, May 30, 2017 | Post meeting – 7:00pm; Installation of officers for the 2017-18 year |
FISH/OYSTER PLATES FUND RAISERWhen: Friday, April 14th, 11:00am to 7:00pm Where: Post 52, 40 American Legion Rd, Franklinton, NC Cost: $8 for Fish Plate; $10 for a Combo; $12 for an Oyster Plate |
Note 1: Preparation for the fundraiser will be on Thursday, April 13th at 2pm at the post. Note 2: Legionnaires are needed on Friday to cook, serve, clean, and deliver starting at 7am and ending at 8:30pm. Any number of hours you can help are appreciated. |