Post 52 is proud to support many of the programs that the American Legion sponsors each year. Each year we celebrate the birthday of the American League (which was established in 1919) with a banquet to recognizes the sacrifice of those on our home front. These are people who through their unselfish service to our Community and Country have contributed to our quality of life. We do this by recognizing one individual from Fire, Law Enforcement, Emergency Medical Services, as well as others, for their out-standing support to our community. This years recipients are listed below.
EMS Commendation

Commander Steve Ijames presenting the Emergency Medical Services Certificate of Commendation to Jimmy Jeffries, Jr of the Franklin County Office of Emergency Services.
Fireman Commendation

Commander Steve Ijames presenting the Franklin County Fireman of the Year Certificate to Fireman Durwood A. Davis of the Franklinton Fire Department.
Law Enforcement Commendation

Commander Steve Ijames presenting Officer Andrew J. Bishop of the Franklinton Police Department with the Law Enforcement Certificate of Commendation.
Certificate of Appreciation

Commander Steve Ijames presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Mary Lib Green for her many years of support and commitment to Post 52 and it's programs.
Post 52 Legionnaire of the Year

George Tracy District 5 Commander and member of Post 52 received the 2014 Post 52 Legionnaire of the Year Award from Commander Steve Ijames.
To see additional photos of the Banquet click here.